Day 90 = Cardio 3
Some of this post is done in real time...
8:07am...I am feeling like I don't want to do this cardio right now. But I am ready to start...
I have set out ALL my weights to push the UP button during this last go at Cardio 3. Just set my heart rate monitor, DVD is in, here I go...I will be back again when I am done, here I go...for real this time...I just want to thank you all for your support and your kind words throughout these past 90 days, they have all meant so much to me. Okay, okay I'm going to begin NOW...pushing play now...
8:51am...WooHoo!!! I am done all 90 days of Workouts & Cardio
I used 4 lb dumbbells for most of the moves in Circuit 1. I switched to 8's for the Side Plank Burpees and stuck with them to the end of circuit 1. Did the same for circuit 2, except I picked up the 8's at the Zigzag Jumps. Circuit 3, I grabbed my 5's and then switched to 8's at the Zigzag Jumps again to the end. My son was downstairs with me and he said during Circuit 1, "You don't need weights Mummy". I told him, "I'm pushing the UP button". He was my post workout photographer.
Back to real's plank time. I am going to do the forearm plank hold...

...sorry had to take time out to help my son draw a treasure map...
Maybe that is where my REWARD is at!
Okay plank time Arnold once said, "I'll be back".

I'm bringing SEXY BACK!!! Remember keep your butt down.
6:04.2...Okay so that is pretty good for a post Cardio 3 plank. I could definitely feel it in my abs much quicker in this position, than from my hands. Either way, you are getting a great strengthening workout ALL over you body, and your mind. I will continue with my planks and I will probably mix them up from the hands to the forearms and side planks too.
As NIKE states, "Just Do It!".
As I state, "Just Plank It!"
As NIKE states, "Just Do It!".
As I state, "Just Plank It!"
Okay I am going for a shower now. Sorry no
10:29am...Now that today's workout is complete, let's talk about food...
Today's food...
Breakfast: Pumpkin Cranberry Muffin
I told you yesterday you would probably see this one again today.
I have 2 of these muffins left, and 4 of the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip ones in the freezer. My friend Donna, and I are going to make some muffins tomorrow. I believe we are planning to make Carrot Banana Muffins. I might even try some Banana Raspberry Muffins...woo those would be good.
Heading out to the park with my kids. So I will be getting a little extra cardio with a walk to the park and back.
My kids packed up some snacks to take to the park with 2 minutes after getting there, my sons starts to scarf down one of his snacks. He's so funny. That's me in the picture beside him...I am having a break. I packed a little snack too.
Snack: Savi Seeds Karmelized
I picked the up at Fiddleheads last night along with those crackers I had last night for dinner. I just bought a small 1oz snack pack.

Here is some information about them as taken from the Savi Seed website
They look, smell and taste like nuts, but they are actually seeds - sacha inchi seeds to be exact. Sacha inchi seeds also known as the Inca Peanut are a rich legacy passed on from the ancient Peruvian peoples to you today. With an unmatched level of taste and nutrition, SaviSeeds make the perfect healthy indulgence.
Each serving of SaviSeed includes:
- 7000 mg of heart-healthy Omega 3
- 8 grams of complete, highly digestible protein
- 5 grams of dietary fiber, which is 20% RDI
- Powerful natural antioxidants
SaviSeeds are available in 5 oz pouches and 1 oz snack packs.
My daughter and I loved them. My son did not. My husband had to work today, so he did not get any.
Kitchen Staples for Body Revolution
I thought of this a while ago, but just never found the time to do it, until today. I have made a list up of the STAPLES that you need for the Body Revolution meal plan. These items are of things that will not go bad in your cupboards or fridge throughout the 90 days and beyond.
Some items you may only use once, others you may use on a regular basis. Some may last you beyond the 90 days, others you may need to purchase more of midway or near the end. And that's okay because you will be eating clean from now on, so it's no big deal to have to buy more of the good stuff.
Here is the list I made up for you...
Oils & Vinegars & Other Sauces
Olive oil Balsamic vinegar
Coconut oil Sherry vinegar
Olive oil spray Champagne vinegar
Toasted sesame oil Cider vinegar
Red wine vinegar
White vinegar
Low sodium tamari
Lemon juice
Spices & Seasonings
Black pepper Sea salt Dried oregano
Ground coriander Cumin seeds Dried bay leaves
Ground ginger Smoked paprika Dried rosemary
Ground cinnamon Chili powder Dried thyme
Ground cloves Curry powder Dried arame(or other shredded seaweed)
Ground cardamom Fennel seeds Crushed red pepper flakes
Ground cloves Whole cloves Whole allspice
Ground sumac Grated nutmeg Cinnamon stick
White pepper Turmeric Crystallized ginger
Nuts & Seeds
Pecans Slivered almonds Flaxseed Walnuts
Raw pepitas Sliced almonds Sunflower seeds Pecans
Sesame seeds Brazil nuts Hazelnuts
NOTE: For the Almonds-I just bought whole raw almonds and cut them up for some of the recipes
Quick cooking steel cut oats
Whole wheat flour
Rolled oats(not instant)
Buckwheat flour
Pearled barley
Whole wheat couscous
Brown long grain rice
Sweet Things
Maple syrup
Agave syrup
70% cocoa chocolate
Milk & Butter
Coconut milk
Almond milk
Almond butter
Baking Supplies
Baking soda
Aluminum-free baking powder
Vanilla extract
Natural(not Dutch processed) unsweetened cocoa powder
Canned Goods
Light tuna
Tomato paste
Can of Wild Alaskan salmon
Black beans dried or canned
Pasta & Noodles
Whole wheat pasta
Thin rice noodles
Chicken broth
Vegetable broth
White wine
Whey protein powder
Dijon mustard
Whew!!! I hope I got everything...well I know I got most of them. It might seem like a lot, but MOST of this stuff will last you for the 90 days. Plus, you don't have to buy it all at once. Build your supplies as you go along. Go through your recipes and make a list of the items you will need first, and then go from there. All your fresh ingredients should be purchased on a weekly basis or daily(however you like to shop). I will also add on FREEZER BAGS AND A MARKER. This way you will be able to pre-make and pack some of your meals to enjoy on future days.
Like take my lunch for today...1:33pm I just finished eating it.
From the freezer to the microwave to my mouth. Yum!
So good! It doesn't have to be cold outside for me to enjoy chili. I am so glad that I threw some in the freezer. Quick and easy lunches or dinners. Packed with protein too.
After lunch I tried making some Mango Chips with my chip maker.
These are VERY good! A nice sweet NATURAL treat. It's a bit messy while you are cutting them, but worth it when you taste them. So much better for you then, OH say...Potato chips.
When I have been out and about, and if I started talking to someone about my journey to becoming a healthier version of ME, people would ask the address of my blog. So...a few weeks ago, I had some cards made with my blog and email address on them. It's much easier to pass my journey along to others this way. Hopefully those whom I haven given them to, have enjoyed reading my blog and I thank you for taking the time to check it out. I hope that I can help you to, to become a healthier version of YOU.
Pretty cool eh?
Those colours look somewhat familiar.
Dinner: Beef & Veggie Soup served with Marys Gone Crackers
I didn't feel like making something fresh up tonight. So...again, I looked in my freezer and found the soup. Paired it up with the crackers that I bought last night, and had a nice warm dinner. With not feeling so well this past week, the chili and the soup is just what I needed.
We checked out a new store just down the road from our place today. It has been open for months now, but we just never made it in until today. Dutchies, is the store. GREAT DEALS on fresh fruit and veggies...fantastic! We bought some seedless red grapes, so I enjoyed some of them while finishing off today's blog. I will definitely be shopping there again. And guess what???? They also sell Next Organics Dark Chocolate Bananas and all the other fruits that Next Organics offer.
Well that concludes my food for today.
You still have time...
Stay Strong Necklace Contest
Here is the prize...
A Stay Strong Necklace.
Just like mine.
The sterling silver square says 'Stay Strong' and is 7/8" and hangs on an
18" chain. The chain is also sterling silver and measures 1.5mm thick. It
is adorned with two beads, one in blue and one in orange that hang inside
the middle of the square. It can be worn everyday and cared for with a
light polishing cloth.
I had this one made for the winner, from Rawkette Jewellery.
You still have time to get your answer in...when I wake in the morning, I will write all the names of the people that emailed me with the correct answer on pieces of paper and let my kids pick the winner out of a bowl. So you have until I am having (hopefully) breakfast in bed tomorrow to get me your answer.
Which will be around 9:00am Eastern Standard Time.
You must answer this question and email me your answer to Email it so you don't give the answer to everyone else. Once I receive your email, I will let you know if you have answered it correctly and your name will go in the draw for the necklace.
In Cardio 2...Can you spot the switch up? (not in the picture, but during the workout itself)
SO...GET IT! DO IT! WIN IT(the necklace)!!!!
If so, email me what it is, and your name will go into a draw to win the necklace. Only one lucky winner will be drawn.
Good Luck to YOU!
Tomorrow I will be taking some after pictures, as well as recording my measurements and weight. I know many of you are waiting on these details...just one more day.
Thank you all SO much for following. You ROCK! Many have said that they wished they were on Phase 3 or days or weeks ahead of where they currently are. DON'T wish your days away. I never did while I was doing Body Revolution. I took each day as it came. I used each day to get stronger, so that I could tackle the days ahead. And stronger you will get. Just a recap yesterday's post with the Wheel Push first I could only do last attempt, I did 11...twice.
Remember..."We don't CRY, we TRY!"
Well...this is the final post of the Days of My Body Revolution Journey. But don't worry, you can't get rid of me that easy. You know I will be back again tomorrow for the end results and the winner of the Stay Strong Necklace Contest.
Until then...Stay Strong!
Good night and thank you ALL!

Congrats Trina! I am glad you showed more of your smiling face! You are adorable. I think your reward is those shoulders. Hot damn woman, they are amazing. Seriously incredible job! You should be so proud!
ReplyDeleteI wrapped up today as well. It just doesn't feel real that we are done!
Enjoy your mothers day. Excited to hear about your results.
Woohoooo!!! Great job, Trina! What an accomplishment. You look fabulous. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteWonderful!! Great way to finish in time for Mother's day. I hope you get spoiled and pampered, you absolutely deserve it. Thanks for taking us with you on your journey. You are looking amazing!