Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 22 of Round 2 Body Revolution

Day 22 = Workout 3

My extras for today are Killer Abs and Spinning...AND extra sleep.  It all began not with Workout 3, but rather with the extra SLEEP.  That's RIGHT!!!! No 4am wake up call today.  There was a 5am one though...I got up, went for a pee, brushed my teeth and crawled back into bed. hehe  Not the motivation you were looking for on Motivated Monday...right? RIGHT!!!  That's why I am telling you at the end of the day.  I woke up at 7am, washed up and woke the kids.  Made their lunches at the same time as getting them their breakfast.  Got them out the door and down to the bus stop.  The reason why I needed more sleep was A.-to catch up on the sleep I missed out on last week and on the weekend. B.-because I was up late last night making Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies.  But that's no excuse.  I did get my workout in though.  During quiet time this afternoon I got in 2 out of 3 of the workouts I planned to do...Workout 3, followed up by Killer Abs Level 1.  I had a great workout and felt fantastic afterwards. The spinning didn't happen and that's okay.  I don't want to be spending hours working out because I know that I don't NEED to.  30-60 minutes is all my body really needs.  When I get up at 4am and do some extra workouts it's ONLY to fill in time.  You don't need to workout much more than 30 minutes a day...for life.  If you are competing in fitness competitions or training for races, than yes you probably will need to train longer.  But for everyday life...make and take 30 minutes for yourself and get that body of yours moving.

Today was the day that my Facebook page hit 100 LIKEs and some.  So...the Prize is up for grabs at 6pm tonight. 
My son picked the winner...and the winner is Michelle Mack. 

                                                                           Congratulations Michelle!
I did take a video of him picking the winner. However, I cannot show it to you because my daughter likes to take her clothes off after the daycare kids go home and she runs around in her underwear. LOL  She was in and out of the camera frame, and I do not want the world seeing her do that.

Please keep those LIKEs coming in, there will be more prizes up for grabs in the future. 

Today's food...
Breakfast: Carrot Cake Pancakes

This is something that I am working on.  They were okay, but I am going to try making them again.  I served the with honey.  The daycare kids liked them at snack time. 

They also like the Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies. 

And so did my husband!  He doesn't like snacks or meals made with pumpkin, but he liked these.  It's a HIT!!!

Lunch: Salmon served with a Spinach Salad with Raspberries and Cherry Tomatoes

I use a Balsamic Vinegar & Olive Oil dressing. 
So simple and so good!

Snack: Chocolate Pumpkin Brownie

Dinner: Homemade Vegetable Soup with Grilled Chicken and Garlic Bread Bites

I decided to cut the chicken up and add it to the soup.  It is getting chillier outside and the soup was great for warming up the body.  I will be making more soups as the weeks go on.  I will prepare them and freeze them so they on hand as the weather gets colder.

After Dinner Snack: Chocolate Pumpkin Brownie with Honey Greek Yogurt & Strawberries

Pretty fancy eh?

 I have said it before and I will say it again..."Dress your food up"..."Arrange it in a creative manner and it will be more satisfying to you".  This looks like $4.95 dessert from a restaurant, rather than just a brownie on a plate...
Boring!!!!  But still yummy!
Makes you want more...
Stay Strong! and freeze the rest of them.

This is something strange and very cool all at the same time...

This was the meal I had the day I went to Toronto with my friend when we went to see Madonna...Remember that???

Anyway, today I got a notification from Instagram, that a comment was left on this picture.  The comment was from the National Post. 

They loved MY picture...

I emailed them back right away.  I hope they use it.  That would be SO cool.  Let me know if you see it in print in the National Post.

Cool eh?...I thought so!

Going to bed earlier tonight.  Did I mention that I was up until midnight last night making those Delicious Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies???  Not baking until tomorrow.

Until then...Stay Strong!

Good night


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