Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 6 of Round 2 Body Revolution - Kickstart

Day 6 = Cardio 1 + Cardio 1 +  Mark, Move & Grove from Rockin' Body Program

Today started at 7:30am...not so early as the rest of the week had.  Thank goodness!  I needed a little extra rest.
In addition to 2 rounds of Cardio 1 this morning, I checked out one of the workouts from the delivery I received yesterday.  Mark, Move & Grove was only 15 minutes long, so I had enough time to get it in before we would leave for the market.  During that 15 minutes, I burned 107 calories...not bad.  My husband informed me today that he wants to continue with the Kickstart meal plan.  Okay then!  I will do the same then.  I will not be doing Cardio 1 everyday though in addition to the workouts, I would get sick of it very fast, and I can't do that to this great workout.  So I plan on doing some of these Dance Workouts from the Rockin' Body program.

My husband is doing great with the Body Revolution program.  I am very proud of him.  So far this week he has lost about 6lbs.  He is sore, but he is feeling great.  I am also feeling very sore after this week's workouts, and feeling great too.  At the beginning of this week my weight was up especially after the late night at the drive in on Sunday.  The scale was not very nice in the morning or afternoon whenever I got on it on the Monday.  I did not adjust my weight through because I knew I would be back down to what my ticker shows.  And today I am back to that.  Scales are so funny and you should not let them get you down.  It dropped 3lbs in one day...that's just plain crazy.  So DO NOT live on your scale.  Get out and live instead.  Eat right, exercise and enjoy!

Today's food...
Breakfast: Poached Eggs, Turkey Bacon, Avocado, Green Pepper & Tomatoes

A great breakfast before heading out to the market.

 After breakfast we made our way to the Farmer's Market.  Before we left my daughter thought she would put on my tank top and model it...

Little Poser
There are still just a few tank tops left if you would like to order yours today. 
Send a message to me at

While at the market we had a bit of fun in the puddles...

I picked up some sweet peppers for eating and freezing.  Some hot peppers for the making of my salsa.  I also got some small cucumbers to try my hand at making Dill Pickles.  My mum makes the BEST dill pickles.  My kids love them just like all their cousins do.  So I told them that mummy would try and make some and tomorrow is the day.  The day I make my first batch of dill pickles.  My husband loves pickled onions, so I may try those too.  Salsa is next on the list of things to make. I may even get it done tomorrow too.

Lunch: Vegetable Soup with Turkey

This soup is so good.  It's the same one I had the other day.  After we got home from the market, we quickly heated it up, ate it and then we were out the door again heading to the airport this time.  We had to pick my sister up after she returned home from a week in Vancouver. 

 Dinner: Steak and Grilled Peppers
In addition to the vegetables I got from the market, I also grabbed some steaks for us to eat tonight.  Instead of having a salad with the steak, I thought some grilled peppers would be nice.

...and it WAS! 

After dinner and after cleaning up the dishes, I prepped the cucumbers for tomorrow...

Scrubbed and sitting in an ice bath overnight. 
Tomorrow I will turn these little cucumbers into yummy dill pickles just like my mum's.  
I will, I will, I will!

Until then...Stay Strong!

Good night


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