Friday, January 25, 2013

Workout Day 11 of "Build Your Best Body"

Crappiest Sleep EVER!!!!!

So I went to bed early last night to make up for the night before.  Well it back fired on me…BIG TIME! 

My daughter came into the bed at “What time?”  I don’t know!  But I was restless and wasn’t sleeping so I went to the bathroom and when I came out, I carried her back to her bed.  I thought it was close to wake up time, but I looked at the clock and it was ONLY 1:38am…“Ah…I am NOT starting my day now”, I thought.  I made my way back to bed and I guess I did fall back to sleep again, only to be woken again by none other than “my little girl” AGAIN.  By this time I could tell it was morning because I could hear my husband getting ready for work.  I dozed back off to sleep (I think) and then my alarm went off, my eye lids felt like lead and something kept pushing my feet and legs.  “What the HELL was that?”  My son…that’s who!  He was lying across the bottom of the bed.  I could not get up.  My daughter knew that it was time for me to get up and she whispered to me…“Mummy, I want to go where you are going”.  Awwww…my little workout partner, I LOVE HER.  I told her that I was going to stay in bed.  She nestled in, and she fell back to sleep.  I on the other hand, did not.  Well maybe I did…a bit.  But I felt worse when the alarm went off at 7am.  Ugh!!!! 

So I didn’t get my “Build Your Best Body” workout in this morning.  This day started off like crap and continued on like crap.  The daycare kids and my kids were all crazy, crying and/or cranky at times, and I couldn’t wait until the last child left.  After they were all gone home, my family and I went out to run a few errands and grab some food for dinner.  I had decided that I would have my “Cheat” meal tonight for dinner.  As you know my husband likes to get a sub from Subway on Friday nights, so I decided I would get a salad tonight.  Not really a “cheat” meal in my eyes, but it was something different to the dinner in the meal plan.  We got back home and I thought…“I still need to get my workout in”.  Did I want to do it?  YES!  Did my family want me to do it?  Not really!

HOWEVER…I did get it done.

Before I ate my dinner, I started my workout.  I completed my Wall Squats and Squats on the main floor.  Then I made my way up to the second floor.  My son was doing something in his bedroom and he wanted me to wait for him.  SO…I decided to do my Wall Squats and Lunges in the hallway while I waited for him.  He then joined me for the last set of Wall Squats and Lunges.  I love him!  He was ready to go upstairs to our loft/attic, so off we went.  I sat and ate my salad.  Before I could get too comfortable, and before my son could snuggle down beside me, I got up and started my Push Ups.  I used the stairs for my Decline and Incline Push Ups.  While I was doing the push ups, my daughter decided she wanted to do some too.  My little trooper.  She started and then I heard her say, “Oh, these are hard”, so she stopped and took a break.  She then became my stat tracker.  She saw me writing down my reps and times, and she asked if she could do that.  So I let her.  She did a great job!  Once I got to my core work, my little girl was right there beside me and did do some of the crunches too.  She continued on as my little stat tracker though, she liked doing that better.  She also turned into my trainer and motivator.  When I was about to start my last set of crunches, I may have taken a longer break then I did before, and let out a deep breath, she said, “Come on, start”. 


I made it through with her help.  LOL

I did not do any extra cardio in between the sets as I said I might do.  Tomorrow I will for sure.

Today’s food…
Breakfast: Spinach and Onion Egg White Omelet with Swiss Cheese/Grapefruit

Last time I made this meal, it wasn't really this meal because I didn't have any spinach.  I think I just used onions.  The spinach made it much nicer.

Snack: Tuna on Rice Cakes with Carrot Sticks

I find that if I make my snacks look "pretty", I will enjoy them more.  More than just eating the tuna from the can or the carrots whole or eating 2 dry rice cakes from the bag.  Make it like a presentation of "goodness" to yourself.  You are worth the little extra time it takes. 

Lunch: Cod with Sweet Potato and Kale Quinoa

My leftovers from last night’s dinner.  It was nice to have this ready on such a crap day. 

Snack: Tri-Berry Shake

Dinner: Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Salad from Subway

I didn’t get cheese or salad dressing on it.  I guess it would have been more of a cheat meal if I had.

Snack: Apples and Peanut Butter
This was a nice snack after I finished my workout...

Tomorrow is the last workout day for this week.  As I said earlier I will try to hit up some bursts of cardio in between sets to jack up that heart rate and burn more calories.  I’m looking forward to it.

Until then…Stay Strong!

Good night


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