Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Total Review of Jillian Michaels Hard Body Level 1 Workout

Okay so this morning I rolled out of bed (late), but had enough time to get in Level 1 of Jillian’s new Hard Body workout.  AND…I took notes while doing the first circuit, very messy notes, but notes just the same.  I scribbled each move down as I was going along with the DVD.  If I missed part of the move, I backed it up and started along with them.

So here we go…

As I mentioned yesterday, the workout is 45 minutes long containing a Warm Up, 6 Circuit repeated twice followed by a Cool Down.  Each move is about 30 seconds long.  Some feel longer than others, but the workout itself, flies by with a great calorie burn.

The Warm Up includes Jumping Jacks; and some other things (oops…I forgot to write these down)…sorry.  Moving on…

Circuit #1 
Speed Squats
Push Ups
Speed Rope
Sit Up/Superman Combo

In circuit 1 it’s all about speed for the first three moves.  Try and bust out as many squats, push ups and of course jump up and down as if you are jumping rope really fast…MOVE IT!  You could chose to use weights for some of these moves if you so desire. I picked up some 5's for the Speed Rope.

Circuit #2
I love the last combo in this circuit with the chest work; I used 10 lb dumbbells for today’s workout for this move.

Row/Lunge/Biceps Curl Combo
Suicide Runs
Scissor Crunch
Chest Press/Flye/Triceps Banger in Bridge Combo

Circuit #3
Sumo Squat/Shoulder Press/Calf Raise
Down Dog/Butt Kicks
Weighted Burpees
Crescent Pose/Biceps Curl/Warrior 3/Triceps Kickbacks

I probably could have used 10’s in the last combo, but I need to work on my balance and getting used to this move again before I up the weight.  I will probably try 10’s next time I do this workout.  I did use 10’s for the weighted Burpees today.

Circuit #4
Side Lunge with a Row into Chair Pose with a Front Raise
Travelling Push Ups with a Lateral Jump

Circuit #5
Push Ups with a Row into 4 Mountain Climbers
Crab Kicks
Alternating Lunges with a Punch

The first move in this circuit is not a favourite of mine.  I have been doing this same move but without the mountain climbers while doing this month’s Build Your Best Body workout.  I will admit that I have been doing these Push Ups/Rows from my knees during BYBB and today with the Hard Body workout too.

Circuit #6
Squat Spinners
Side Plank Crunch
Pelvic Thrust with a Lat Pull

I LOVE the Side Plank Crunches in this circuit.  They are one of my favourite ab moves.  The Surrenders have been tough on my right leg just below my knee.  Last week I whacked my leg on an open drawer in my daughter’s room and it hurt like HELL.  I thought I was going to be sick it hurt so much.  Anyways, it is bruised and very, very tender, so kneeling down on it with 10 lb dumbbells raised overhead, don’t make for a very enjoyable 30 seconds or so.  But that’s just it…it is ONLY 30 seconds (well 60 in total for the 2 circuits combined), I can handle the pain for that short time.

Cool Down
Stretch it out

It’s a great workout with lots of options and modifications.  Yes, Jillian shouts at you in this one as well, but like I said yesterday, it’s great motivation.  Since my own little drill sergeant is fast asleep upstairs while I am working out in the early morning, it’s nice to hear someone telling me to keep going.  It’s like when they are in Circuit #2 in Round 2, one of her “girls” picks up heavier weights for the Chest Press/Flye/Triceps Combo and she says something like, “I'm here, so I might as well”.  That’s right!  You made the choice to workout, so push yourself and push yourself hard.  The workout doesn’t last ALL day, so work hard while you are in the moment.

With the combination of eating clean and this workout, you can have a hard body.

It’s getting late so I am going to skip the food today.  WHAT?!?!?!? That will mean no pictures for today’s post.  NO we can’t have that!

Here is something cool I came across on Facebook today…

I am going to buy some bacon just to try this out.

And check this out…

The website will be going live next week and YOU can save 10% off your order by entering the promo code Phatsoslim.  

So be sure to check out Boli Nutrition for all your sports nutrition supplements.

Today I received an email telling me that this was waiting to be downloaded...
So as you can see from the picture, I started to download it but I haven't had a chance to look through it yet.  That dish on the front cover looks amazing!
You can get your copy too but checking out the Clean Eating Subscription link in the side bar under the Sweat Pink Ambassador badge. 

Squat Challenge update…235…done!

So with all that said and done, it’s off to bed for me now.  Tomorrow is another day, Day 3 of Week 3 of Month 3 of the Build Your Best Body workout program.

Until then…Stay Strong!

Good night


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