Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 6 of the #FindYourFit Challenge Already

Today was the start of Week 6 of the Find Your Fit Challenge.  It was a rough start this morning when the alarm sounded at 5:30am.  Over the weekend I tackled the weed infested side garden of horror, along side our home.

I finished up Week 5 with the Optional Day 5 workout early Saturday morning.

 I was planning on hitting my spin bike for some extra cardio but the garden of horror was screaming my name.  At the end of the day, the extra cardio on the spin bike was not missed.  I worked out hard gardening.  It wasn't just your regular gardening of planting a few plants here and there.  It was hard core weeding, digging, planting, mulching...and REPEAT.

Five full yard waste bags.

My Suunto Heart Rate Monitor watch indicated that Sunday was a Rest Day.

No rest for the wicked.  Or for the determined gardener.  

I did however sleep in until just before 8:00am.  I ate breakfast quick and I was outside at about 8:30am or so.  Another long day of weeding, digging, planting, mulching...and REPEAT.  Plus, in between all that I had to take and pick up my kids from play dates and get groceries and more MULCH.  I think the people at the store probably think I'm eating the mulch for the amount of it that I have been buying.  Saturday I picked up 6 bags.  Sunday my neighbors gave me 2 bags, and later on Sunday I bought another 10 bags.  But it is completed now.  And by the end of the day, so was I.

I still need to fix up the grass between our home and the neighbors home.  We have wild violet growing in that area.  It is evil!  Any tips on how to get rid of it would be appreciated.  

And because I don't know how to stop...I decided to start on a side garden for my neighbors.

With their permission of course.  It will help to get rid of the wild violets, as I will be digging many of them up and getting rid of them.  Plus I have extra shade plants that will thrive in this location.  The fixing up of the grass will happen another day(s).  And once that is completed, the gardens will look SO much better.

Once I was all finished for the day, I checked my email and found Week 6 of the Find Your Fit Challenge workouts.  I printed them out, put them in my book and entered Day 1 in my Seconds PRO app.  I was then ready for bed.  Do you think I could sleep???  NOPE!  I was so sore and tired and uncomfortable, that I could not fall to sleep.  Then the thunder storm started.  I got up to make sure the windows were not open wide.  Ah bed...finally.  Then my daughter comes into our bed because she is frightened from the storm.  Still awake...  The storm subsided, so I took her back to her own room, where, thankfully, she remained for the rest of the night.

So as I started off, it was a rough start to Week 6 Day 1.  I was so tired and sore...BUT...I dragged my BUTT out of bed and got through the workout.

Feeling great...but still very tired and sore.  I am looking forward to this weeks workouts.
I must continue to get them done in the morning because I am in the home stretch of making the 50th Anniversary cake.  I haven't made any more flowers in over a week, and I NEED more.  So my evenings will be spent making more gum paste flowers.  The party is this Sunday coming.

So I need to put my flower making game face on.

The workout for Day 2 of Week 6 of the #FindYourFit Challenge is loaded up into my Seconds PRO app and ready for the morning.

Until then...Stay Strong!


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