Yesterday I was experimenting in the kitchen again and got very busy with life outside my blog. Too busy that I didn't get a chance to sit down and write. By the time I did actually sit down, I just wanted to relax a bit before going to bed. I needed to switch my brain off and chill out. I have been busy getting ready for my Maus Wear Open House this Sunday at my home. I need to clean up, set up, and bake up some goodies for my event.
I was trying out some different variations for grain free cookies. I made two different types of Chocolate Chip cookies. Same recipe two different types of flour. Then I ran out of chocolate chips and brought out the raisins. The recipes still need some work before I share them with you. If you are coming to the Maus Wear Open House this Sunday...Don't won't be a guinea pig to these latest recipes(unless you want to be). I will have made some taste tested and approved yummies for you to enjoy.
Day 40 = Workout 6
I had the best sleep last night I have had in a few weeks. My little girl stayed in her own room ALL night. I did wake up to a cat nestled into me, but that was okay because he was warm and cozy. I stirred a bit when my husband kissed me as he was leaving for work and I looked at the clock thinking I should be getting up. Well it was only 5:17am, BONUS I still had 13 more minutes to sleep. And sleep I did. My alarm sounded at it's returned usual time of 5:30am and I was up. It was freezing in the bedroom again, as my husband still has the one bedroom window open a bit. I informed him last night that when we actually turn the furnace on, he can't have the window open any more. Unless he wants to get a couple more jobs to pay the hydro and as bills...and I don't think that is going to happen, nor do I want it too.
I got dressed quickly and brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs to hit Workout 6. This is the one that I missed on Tuesday when I took the day off. It wasn't hard getting this one done, I even upped my weights for this one. A friend of mine on is also going through Body Revolution for the second time and she said that she is also pushing the UP button. She and I both share the same feelings when Jillian tells everyone to grab a heavy weight and the group on the DVD grab their 8's and they start pulling the silly faces as if they are struggling, while we have 15 pounders in our hands. Yes, some of them may be struggling with the 8's, but for her "trained athletes" they shouldn't be. I mentioned last week about the Bicep Curls with the Resistance Cable, I use my 15lb dumbbells for those instead of the cable. It's just not challenging enough. So remember...just because they only have weights up to 8 lbs doesn't mean that's all you should use. You have to challenge yourself. Make sure your last few in your set are hard. If they are not, UP your weights. I follow Valerie Solomon on Facebook Busy Mom Gets Fit and on Twitter @BusyMomGetsFit and her line is "Lifting More Than Babies and Lift Gloss"...LOVE IT, and she posted this today...

Isn't that what I just said? She's so right! If I keep going the way I am going (well before this silly cold set in), I will have to buy more weights very soon.
I have a bar here at home and some small plates and just one 25lb plate, I will need it's mate to start on heavier Dead Lifts. I gots to get my booty shaped up. Along with some other parts of my body, for what may be to come...
A few friends of mine are registered for the 2013 Toronto Tough Mudder. It has peaked my interest. It's seven months from now. Could I be ready? Hell yeah! I still need to think about it a little before I sign up. I will let you know when I make the commitment. For anyone who has done it...I applaud you...Great job! The hardest part is the first step. In this case the first step, is signing up. The Shock Therapy and the other 24 obstacles are just the dirty icing on the cake. I watched some of the video footage on the Tough Mudder website and the obstacles where I think I would need to work on would be the ones that involve upper body strength. So I guess I better hit the Monkeybars if I want to be Mudder ready. Check it out!
Well I am going to think about it more, and if I decide to register, it will be before the registration fee goes up again in November. I will keep you posted.
The winner of the signed copy of Off the Couch! is...
Congratulations! I will send that out to you as soon as you confirm your address with me. Email me at
Tomorrow I will be attending the competition that Tosca Reno is competing in. She is a great inspiration and I wish her all the best tomorrow evening. I will try and take some pictures and post them here on my blog and on my facebook page. I'm not sure how long the event will be, so I don't know if I will get a post done tomorrow night. If not, I will tell you all about it on Sunday.
Until then...Stay Strong!
Good night
I have to get some more set up, clean up and bake up...DONE! If you live in the Kitchener/Waterloo, ON area and are looking for some cool gifts for children, come by my Maus Wear Open House this Sunday. If you are interested email me for the address. We can even talk about becoming Healthier Versions of OURselves. You can check out my website
Wow! That is awesome! I would love to see Tosca, she is amazing. Have a great time. Looking forward to seeing pics!